Monday, July 11, 2011

What I want to use in my classroom so far

 What I want to use in my classroom from week #1
* students write one word and then use the words to write
*write with a different focus: transactional to expressive or poetic
* write from a different point of view
* journal writing in one book for all things; do it every day for each subject
* write for a variety of audiences
* What can't you write a poem about?
* Barry Lane: kids write, peers ask questions, kids revise by answering questions.  Use Barry Lane!
* Pizza slice idea to focus writing
* Give students more choices; ask them better questions 
* Have a poem of the day, a word of the day, a thought, joke, or song of the day

1 comment:

  1. It is important to get these things down in a place where you won't lose your note. I'm glad you chose to do this.
