Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hagler's concept plan chart

Writing class: Chart of concept plans 
How & Where
journal writing
1. daily writing (need time, choice, models, response)
2. writing across
the curriculum; different modes
3. share
4. respond, conference, reflect,
My plan is to have
my students writing
every day. The first thing they will be doing is writing about a math problem I will have on the board. The answer will be given and the students will need to explain how to get the answer.  There will be times we share, times when I conference as they write, and times when I collect the journals.  There will be times when I ask them to revise certain pieces. The journal grade will be
based on the number of entries. Since I am self-contained and have control of my time. I can spend an hour and half for language arts every day.  We will have time to write in math, science and geography J Lucky me
1. students who write, become better writers
2. In the real world,
we have to write for every discipline; students have the opportunity to write in different modes
3. sharing writing creates community in my class; gives value to the writer and the writing; provides wonderful models
4.  being about to reflect, rescan, and revise enriches writing
1. Rief; Lain [Atwell]
Falk; Calkin (ch 11)
2. Burns: Writing
Britton: Now that You……
3. Burns; Moffett; Falk;
Higgins & Miller & Wegmann

using literature
1. sentence stalking
mini-lessons/writer’s workshop
2. practical uses of grammar; connecting grammar to writing
3. opening avenues for writing different genres
4. venue to elicit thoughtful responses and critical thinking skills
5. the more they read, the better they write
I will choose passages from great books to point out good writing and talk about how else the sentence can be written; I will choose to read great poetry to elicit thoughtful responses and critical thinking skills as well as a spring board into writing.
I will find sentences that show the grammar skill I need them to know.
I will be using picture books and wordless books to teach genre and points of view. I own my own library, can use the internet or go to the public library for anything I need.
Books I want to glean from the first month are:
Hatchet, Call of the Wild, and Frog Goes to Dinner;
poems by Dylan, Whitman, Coleridge, Poe, Service
1. students need to hear good writing to serve as models for them as writers; students are great imitators
2. grammar should be taught in the context the writing because it is more authentic and more useful; students can connect better when they see the grammar in writing
3.  using literature is an effective way to spring board into writing
4.  Reading a piece, or passage in a book elicit thought, discourse, debate and develops critical thinking skills
1. Warne: Teaching
Lain: Reaffirming…
2. Warne: Teaching
Jeff Anderson: Educational Leadership
Hartwell: Grammar
4 & 5. Krashen (4-5);
5. Falk: Language Acquisition….
1. content, design,
process, evaluation
(writer’s workshop)
2. peer conferencing and editing to help with revision
I first have to model what conferencing looks like and sounds like.  What it is I expect them to do with each other, and the purpose for conferencing with them. I will need to model that, then let them try it as a group and then have them do it. We’ll debrief to look at what worked well and what needs work.  I’ll start with a simple writer’s workshop involving creating a name tag with unique adjectives for each letter in their name and writing a paragraph about it. They’ll be writing partner biographies. After learning about the Pledge of Allegiance, they will be writing their own pledge.
The grade will be based on a rubric of what I expect to see. There are times when I will want to talk to my students about their content, times when I want to know about the design, the process and for evaluation.  I’ve learned that I first need to listen to the writing, respond to the student, and then ask questions that they can answer for their revisions.
1. conferencing is the best way to provide effective feedback that can help a student improve their writing and to be sure the student feels in charge of their own writing; enables students to develop their own writing strengths
2. students learn better if they are doing their own correcting and conferencing can help them do that
3. the questions asked during conferences can help students reflect, rescan and revise
4. use 6 + 2 writing traits
1. Calkin Learning to Confer ch. 13 & 14
Rief: What’s Right with Writing
Lane; Atwell
2. Harris [Sommers]
Lain: Reaffirming…
3. Sommers; Krashen (Smith)
4.  Higgins & Miller & Wegmann

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive organization, my sweet. You are such a good example for me! I plan to steel all this great info. Better to ask forgiveness than permission. (I don't really believe that!!!)Thanks.
